
The purpose of the following guidance is to help the regulated public comply with the Board’s laws and rules.  Please be advised that the guidance below is subject to change.  If you disagree with the guidance, you may have the right to request a declaratory ruling from, or hearing before, the Board pursuant to Chapter 150B of the N.C. General Statutes.  Moreover, an occupational licensing board does not have the authority to order an unlicensed person or entity to discontinue its practices.  Only a court may determine whether an unlicensed person or entity has violated or is violating any law and, if appropriate, impose a remedy or penalty for the violation.

Policy on the Use of “A” Sheets – Guidance on the Board’s opinion on the use of “A” sheets by non-licensed individuals.

Construction Administration – Guidance on Construction Administration by an architect.

NCGS 83A-5(5a) Policy / Guideline Statement – The Board offers guidance on the latest changes to NCGS 83A related to the definition of the practice of registered interior design.

NCGS 83A-13 Policy Statement – The Board shall interpret exemptions in NCGS 83A-13 as set forth in this policy.

BIM/IPD – The Board Policy Statement on BIM/IPD projects.

Neighborhood Architectural Review Board – Board guidance on sealing documents for ARB.

Design/Build Guidelines – Guidance on design/build arrangements.

Offsite Drafting –  Board  non-binding interpretive statement on Offsite Drafting.

Prototype Single Family Residences – Guideline on interpretations.

Civil Penalty Policy– Board policy on per project civil penalty for failing to renew and continuing to practice.

Renewal Notification Policy – Board  policy on sending subsequent renewal notices.

Plans For Oneself – Board of Architecture guidance on G.S. 83A-13 (d).

Successor Architect Policy – Guidance on how a new architect (successor architect) can take over a project already begun by another architect.