Latest Updates
2021-2022 Renewal Notices – Due by June 30
Renewal for 2021-2022 is due by June 30, 2021. All licenses expire on June 30, regardless of when they were issued. Please be sure to renew your license by June 30 to avoid late fees or disciplinary action.
2021-2022 Renewal Notices to be Sent on May 15, 2021
Notice of renewal will be emailed to all architects who have an active license on May 15, 2021. Licenses must be renewed by July 1, 2021 in order to avoid expiration on June 30th. Please be sure to check your email for your renewal notice and instructions on renewing on line. If you wish to renew by mail, please use the 21-22_renewal form. Questions related to renewal should be sent to Questions about continuing education should be sent to Tyler Barrick at
If you are completely retired from the practice of architecture and no longer need a license to practice, you may qualify for Emeritus Status. This status is reserved for individuals who are no longer offering or rendering architectural services in any way whatsoever. If you are interested in Emeritus Status contact Cathe Evans at or you may apply using this form.
Board Office Now Open by Appointment Only
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, the North Carolina Board of Architecture has adjusted its work policies and operations to protect the health and safety of our staff, Board members, the general public and licensees. Effective April 7, 2021, the Board office at 434 Fayetteville St, Suite 2005, Raleigh, NC 27601 is open to the public by appointment only. The Board staff has instituted a remote work policy. We have technology in place to allow Board operations continue without interruption. We suggest that any items that must be sent to the Board office be sent via USPS.
All forms, rules and laws and general board information can be found on the web site The Board office phone number is 984-328-1161. Please leave a message and your call will be returned ASAP.
For questions related to Continuing Education and Firm Registration, contact Tyler Barrick at
For all other questions regarding individual licensure or general information contact Julie Piatek at
For Cathe Evans, Executive Director email
Inquiries related to official complaints, rules or laws or from Building Code Officials should be directed to Cathe Evans.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this crisis.
Pandemic Reminders
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, the North Carolina Board of Architecture has adjusted its work policies and operations to protect the health and safety of our staff, Board members, the general public and licensees. Effective March 28, 2020, the Board office at 434 Fayetteville St, Suite 2005, Raleigh, NC 27601 will be closed to the public. The Board staff has instituted a remote work policy. We have technology in place to allow Board operations continue without interruption. We suggest that any items that must be sent to the Board office be sent via USPS.
All forms, rules and laws and general board information can be found on the web site The Board office phone number is 984-328-1161. Please leave a message and your call will be returned ASAP.
For questions related to Continuing Education and Firm Registration, contact Tyler Barrick at
For all other questions regarding individual licensure or general information contact Julie Piatek at
For Cathe Evans, Executive Director email
Inquiries related to official complaints, rules or laws or from Building Code Officials should be directed to Cathe Evans.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this crisis.
Statute Changes In Effect
The legislature approved changes to NCGS 83A. Sections 83A-2, 83A-7, 83A-11 included minor housekeeping changes. However, section 83A-13 (c) includes significant changes to exemptions as follows in red:
83A-13. Exemptions.
(c) Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to require an architectural license for the preparation, sale, or furnishing of plans, specifications and related data, or for the supervision of construction pursuant thereto, where the building, buildings, or project involved is in one of the following categories:
(1) A family residence, up to eight units attached with grade level exit, which is not a part of or physically connected with any other buildings or residential units;
(2) A building upon any farm for the use of any farmer, unless the building is of such nature and intended for such use as to substantially involve the health or safety of the public;
(3) An institutional or commercial building if it does not have a total value exceeding two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000);
(4) An institutional or commercial building if the total building area does not exceed 3,000 square feet in gross floor area;
(5) Alteration, remodeling, or renovation of an existing building that is exempt under this section, or alteration, remodeling, or renovation of an existing building or building site that does not alter or affect the structural system of the building; change the building’s access or exit pattern; or change the live or dead load on the building’s structural system. This subdivision shall not limit or change any other exemptions to this Chapter or to the practice of engineering under Chapter 89C of the General Statutes;
(6) The preparation and use of details and shop drawings, assembly or erection drawings, or graphic descriptions utilized to detail or illustrate a portion of the work required to construct the project in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared or to be prepared under the requirements or exemptions of this Chapter.
(c1) Notwithstanding subdivisions (c)(3) and (4) of this section, a commercial building project with a total value of less than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) and a total project area of less than 3,000 square feet shall be exempt from the requirement for a professional architectural seal.
NC Board of Architecture Makes CE Available
The North Carolina Board of Architecture has created an opportunity for all North Carolina resident architect licensees to fulfill their continuing education obligations.
In a partnership with AIA North Carolina the Board has underwritten part of the creation of the ASPIRE On-Demand web site and will make the content of the 2020 ASPIRE Conference available to any NC licensee needing to fulfill their remaining credit obligation for the year.
Should you need additional education credits please contact Maggie Whittemore at AIA North Carolina,, for individualized access to the ASPIRE On-Demand web site.
December 2020 Newsletter
The latest Board of Architecture Newsletter can be found here.
Highlights include:
The President’s Message
From the Executive Director’s Desk
The Enforcement Report
Board HoldS New Architect Luncheon ‘Virtually’
Annually the Board holds a luncheon to honor newly licensed architects by exam. This year it was held via Zoom! Cathe Evans, Executive Director and the Board members enlightened the new architects on the rules and laws, the purpose of the Board among other topics. Click here for more more details.
Board office moves to new location
After almost 30 years at 127 W. Hargett St, the Board office has moved to a new location! While we are not currently permitting visitors, please update your records. We hope to see you very soon.
Two Hanover Square
434 Fayetteville St Suite 2005
Raleigh, NC 27601
Board Elects New Officers
The following officers were elected for 2020-2021
Katherine Peele, FAIA – President
Cathy Morrison, AIA – Vice President
Steve Clipp, AIA – Treasurer
Fred Dodson, Jr. – Secretary